This was the question in my head when I was searching for information to write my posts about making money with a Blog.
In one of this searches I came across a good article by John Tozzi, published in, about Top Bloggers called: "How Top Bloggers Earn Money".
This article explains that Top Bloggers earn money because they write whith passion about subjects people are interested in, and mainly, because they have traffic to their websites.
You can read about Top Blogs like: Shoemoney, Mashable, Problogger, Go Fug Yourself, Gothamist, Perez Hilton, and others. It´s a good idea to check what this creative and innovative bloggers are doing with their blogs.
Top Blog´s favourite themes are: Cat pictures, tech news and politics, celebrity gossip, amongst others. For example, Problogger blogs about making money with a Blog. I read his posts and I think that he has a great blog full of tips for any type of blogs. He focus on how to make money blogging but many of his tips can be applied to any blog, not only business blogs.
What do they have in common?
The answer is simple, they all started their blogs for fun, without high expectations. With hard work, they saw their Blogs become famous.
In this article you can read about some of this Top Bloggers personal life, carrer and choices, and find out how much they earn.
Check the complete article: "How Top Bloggers Earn Money".