SEO, Adsense, and Internet Marketing Tips

I wanted to write about this topic for some time now, but I wasn´t sure if sending my visitors to someone else´s website was a good choice. Now I understand that by reviewing good sites I´m adding value to my readers. I think like this: If people like what I post, they´ll find their way back to my blog. Since I started Night Clicks, my commitment is to share with everyone what I´ve learned. Till now, there´s only a couple of topics that I´ve been avoiding, but I promissed myself that I´ll report everything here, and I will.
So, for now, I think it´s about time to recommend a website that I´ve been reading for the past eight months.
Going straight to the point: If you´d like to read about SEO, Adsense, and Internet Marketing check out Jonathan Leger´s Blog.
"He has been earning his living online full-time since the fall of 2004. He regularly posts advice about search engine optimization (his current passion), AdSense and Internet Marketing", and it´s worthy to read his posts and learn with his case studies.
I´m not his affiliate or something, and I won´t earn anything by sending visitors to his site. If I decide to change this in the future, I´ll let you know. He developed a software for writers I could be selling, but at the moment, I´m not.
But remember, he´s making money online, so not everything in his site is for free. One thing I assure you, he´s sharing a lot of info for free, and you can learn from his posts and also from other webmaster´s comments. I´m not posting a link, so just type his name in the search box, I´m sure you´ll find him. Hope it´s useful to some of you, as it was to me.

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