Blog Traffic: Analytic Tools

If you search online, there are plenty free tools to measure blog traffic. The most common resources available are free hit counters which offer limited information about visitors.
I´ve been using tools like Google Analytics, Feedjit and Sitemeter in my blogs. The data provided by Google tool is very complete, it gives me plenty information about my blog´s visitors and I think it´s enough for what I do.
There are other tools to analize traffic which have advanced features that allow you, for example, to know where users clicked on your blog but this are paid.
I´m not a stats fanatic but sometimes I get curious about my visitors, specially when they come from search engines. I like to know what people were searching for when they found my blog.
About stats fanatics: I read in a blog that there´s a sort of adsense account syndrome. Seems some publishers check their account stats very frequently, and it has become an "obsession".
And you, which analitic tool do you use, and why?
If you know other good free tools, please let us know.

2 comentários:

Anonymous said...

That is kinda cool...I don't really care about my stats..but it is still cool

Mizé said...

It is. I care about my stats but I´m not fanatic. I think it´s a good issue to post.