Entrecard Blogs: 300 Drops!

Tonight I did 300 drops, wow!
It´s a milestone for me because I have several blogs in my account and it´s not easy to return all drops, comment and read posts too. I would need more than 24 hours a day, lol.
Most days, I focus on my three main blogs and I return drops on the rest every two days. It´s the only way I can keep all this blogs in my account. I´m thinking about removing one blog for some time because I need to work in my school project.
Lately, I´ve been so distracted droping that I´m late in many of my online tasks, like awards I received and others. I have to post them this weekend.
I decided that, at least for the Christmas season, I will remove Momyjob blog from my account. This blog is very new and because of my other blogs I don´t have much time to invest in it. Well, this reminds me a post I recently read in Mira´s blog and makes me say the same: "What was I thinking? Lol".
Today I can´t return more drops with Night Clicks, sorry if I can´t visit you all, I wish I could. If I decide to keep 300 drops every day this can become an issue, but I´m not sure if I can. Well, I´m off to grab some opp. Cheers!

7 comentários:

GMIL & TLC said...

thanks for the comment at my TLC's Haven. it's just a simple design with a new blogging platform. and that's all i can do for it since i'm do have a simple art.

i like your site too. been here many times.

God bless!

wiehanne said...

Wow, that's an achievement. :D I never managed to drop 300. My highest one would be 200+ only for a blog.

Susan Cook said...

It must be hard to drop for more than 1 blog. I just do it on one, and I find it hard. Hope you have a good weekend :)

Mira said...

Mize, was that 300 drops for each blogs you maintain? If so all I can say is WOW, lol. What I do is I prioritize my 3 monetized blogs, I make it a point to return today's and yesterday's drops everyday. Dropping EC is becoming a chore don't you think? ;-) But it's something that we really need to do (at least that's my opinion) to maintain the good traffic that we get. Have a great weekend!

Mizé said...

Hi. Thanks everyone for commenting.

TLC: You´re welcome, I really love Pink, just don´t have the "courage" to use in a blog´s layout because I think it´s not the right color for my blogs.
I know you return my drops, thanks so much for that.
Keep up the good work, Cheers!

Wiehane: It is! That´s why I felt like blogging about it. I take a long time doing drops because I like to read and comment. If I just drop and go, I would do more drops. I started doing 50, than 100and now I´m doing more. First I was a bit shy to comment but not anymore.
A good week, Cheers!

Mizé said...

Hi Sue, thanks for commenting.
I have a type of Agenda for drops, lol.
I drop every day with Night Clicks and the rest of my free time I use it for my other blogs. Some days I don´t make drops at all with two of my blogs. I wish I had more time, but I don´t.
You only have 1 blog, right?

Mizé said...

Hi Mira.
No, it was 300 drops with Night Clicks only. I had never reached that mark due to lack of time and because I like reading and commenting.
By the way, the comment form in your blogs doesn´t recognize me logged in my Google account, again, I want to comment in your blogs, do you know what I have to do?
I don´t have enough time to make drops with all my blogs every day, so I do like you. My priority is Night Clicks because my other blogs aren´t monetized with paid reviews, yet, lol.
I don´t earn any money directly from EC traffic, they don´t click in adsense ads much and I´m not selling anything or doing much affiliate work. I like the way EC traffic improved my Alexa and that maybe influence Ranks, so we earn inderectly with this type of traffic.
I agree, it´s a chore and sometimes a pleasure too.
A good working week ahead, Cheers!