Sleeping Well

As my readers know, I am a night owl type of person. I like sleeping in the morning and working in the afternoon or at night. I know some persons that are just like me but most of my friends prefer working during daytime.
Now that I do not have the Internet connection at home, I’ve been resting more than usual. Instead of blogging at night, I’ve been working in my school project and reading some books I bought long ago.
I think it’s more important to sleep well than the schedule in which you do it. A high quality bed with a good mattress and no worries in our minds are key factors to a good night of sleep.
If you´re looking for a company specialized in beds at affordable prices, check out Time4sleep website. This company offers the latest styles and quality room furniture, including mattresses. They provide beds in many different styles and materials.
I like wooden beds such as Nicole model but my favorite is Tuscany Black, a gorgeous leather bed. I like Tuscany model because it’s stylish, I can easily clean the space under and it´s very comfortable. It also has back support so I can read in bed. If you’re looking for a good night of sleep, check out Time4sleep website.

4 comentários:

Jackie said...

hey there Stranger!!

My internet is finally back!! I could definitely use a new bed. Ours is ancient and sleeps terrible.

Also I am back 100% with EC...I will get an add as soon as I can afford you!!

Happy weekend!!

Unknown said...

Hey there!
I'm a night owl as well. I can really relate to this.
By the way Congratulations!
I've added your blog on my
certified "Certified QUEEN of Blogs" blogroll.
Hope you would add me on your blogroll as well.
Have a good one!


home base of "Certified QUEEN of Blogs" award

Mizé said...

Thanks for your visits and comments.

Mizé said...

Hi Shinade.
So, you had no Internet too!
Glad we´re both back to our virtual world.
Oh my... Am I that expensive? Lol!
I really would like a new mattress but right now I have to cut on my expenses.
Will visit you soon. Cheers xx