I Got Paid by Smorty

I recently wrote a post about Smorty. Smorty is a website where you can earn money writing reviews in your blog/site. They pay on a weekly basis to Paypall. I wrote some reviews for this site and today I got my first payment. I love to open my e-mail box first thing in the morning and be surprised by that blue familiar message: "You got Funds"!
I hope I can do some more this month. In Smorty, besides posts, you can exchange reviews with other bloggers, you blog about them and in return they do the same for you. Smorty also has a Forum and Affiliate Programs.

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

1 comentários:

Anonymous said...

ola,sera que me podia dar umas dicas,não sou muito bom em ingles,comecei agora a blogar,se puder passa no meu blog,e opina,obrigado