Blogger Status: Blog PR Updates

Hi. Good Weekend to all.
Last week, many Entrecard bloggers were buzzing about Sez-who. To be honest, I only opened their first e-mail yesterday, and I thought to myself: Why everybody is blogging about the same thing? This Sez-comments thing must be important...
Today, I read a few recent posts about PR updates. I checked my blogs and I guess it´s official. So, it´s good to belong to a community and know what other bloggers are buzzing about, even if you a arrive a little late, like me. Ok, I´m not slow, I just have have my own timing:)
If you could see me right now, you´d see a little naughty smile in my face because my blogs were blessed with a little link love. Again, and to my surprise, my best performing blog is Arte em Vidro, my Portuguese blog about glass art.
PR doesn´t bring traffic or readers, directly, but if you´re looking to make money online selling advertising space, links and other options available, you´ll need PR and a good Alexa.
The funny thing is that people who don´t have it or lost it, talk about it. They say they don´t care or that PR doesn´t have any value. Those who have it make good business out of it, and "pray" that big G doesn´t change the dammed algorithm again or slap them, because their online income depends on that.
As you probably now, I´m not a tech, SEO blogger or an expert in this field. I´m learning what I know doing things, and a bit from here and there, mostly from other bloggers.
One thing I can assure you, I have a lot of fun watching this online making money game. Rules are not equal for everybody, so I feel devided and wonder how to play this game. Do I go for the quick bucks, selling links and stuff, against big G guidelines? or I forget this way of making money and preserve the so loved PR?
See you soon.

7 comentários:

Anonymous said...

I am also confuse of PR thing because before most of my blogs are PR3 but big G got that back became zero. I make money still but only a little not like before. They said they don't care a PR but for me i care. Most of the advertisers wants the bigger PR so tried hard to make that again. Hmm enjoy reading your blog...thanks for the visit...Have a nice weekend..

Anonymous said...

I've always had a PR of 0. I don't worry about it because it doesn't matter. I still get paid advertisement and sales. The important part I do pay attention to is content. I've been running a web server for 10 years, am an expert web page designer, 26 year veteran programmer and new blogger. In all that, my PR hasn't changed. In the beginning, I worried about PR and ranking and even spent some bucks on professional site tracking software. It didn't changes thing then and its not going to now. I have a post of SezWho on my blog that suns up my thoughts on this subject called Sheeples at

Mizé said...

Hi Genny, thanks for visiting. If you´re selling links in your blog or doing paid reviews without the "no follow" tag, then big G will drop your PR to 0. Once you get "slaped", it´s more difficult to get the PR back, because these two behaviours are against G webmaster´s guidelines. So, if you´re doing any of this don´t expect improvments in your PR. I used to have PR 4, but when G found out about my paid reviews with do follow links, they slapped me to 0. I asked for reconsideration and they gave me PR1. With this new update I now have PR 2 in this blog, which isn´t that bad. Glad you liked my blog, and be welcome.

Mizé said...

Hi Mathias. I understand your position but mine is slightly different: I do worry about PR, if I didn´t I would be selling links and making more money than I´m doing now. One thing is true: I value other things, I don´t work only for PR or money, and I hope this blog´visitors understand that, because I´ve been honest about what I do here in Night Clicks since the beginning.
This post had two comments that show different oppinions, a sample from two different worlds, thanks for sharing yours. Wish you a good starting week.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered pitching to business in your local area? If you bring in 3000+ hits a month then you may do very well.

Right now I'm averaging about 5,000 hits a month with peaks to 9,000+ and am considering local advertising.

One thing you must do with local advertising is find out the market average, then undercut it by 25% in the beginning. You'll get a better chance in picking up advertisers. Tourism is always a good starting point.

Anonymous said...

PR doesn't really mean much unless you're selling advertising. I have a site that's PR2 and all it's traffic is organic G traffic.

Mizé said...

Hi. Thanks for sharing your experience. Nowadays most bloggers sell advertising, that´s why good PR and Alexa is needed.
For Adsense, organic traffic is much better.
Your site is cool. Good luck.