Free SEO Tools Website

As you know, one of the blogging resources I like to list here in Night Clicks is free SEO tools. Each time I come across a new and useful resource I blog about it.
Well, this time I came across a website that provides paid SEO services but has a section where you can find free tools and other resources, like articles about optimization, keyword density and other topics.
In SEO Company website you can also find lists of free directories and one interesting section with 99 SEO tools, worth checking. This website has a bog exclusively about SEO topics.
I learned the bit I know about SEO from free resources, like expert articles or websites and my one year blogging experience. I think it´s the best way to learn, you need to read the theory but also put it in practice and experiment.
Once nobody knows Google algorithm, be prepared to find different views, contradictions and speculation in this field.
Anyway, SEO Company has paid services but also has free tools, you can check out this website as a possible SEO resource among others.

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