My Blog´s Ranks

I was so surprised with the latest PR updates that I started writing this post but saved it to be sure that in the meanwhile things wouldn´t change :)
Ranks is a topic of interest for most bloggers that somehow profit from them, either by monetizing their blogs trough advertising or paid posts.
When I wrote my blogging goals post I was quite sure that Night Clicks would be penalized but, for my luck, it wasn´t. Like me, other bloggers kept their PRs or gained some. I know there were recent changes but now I´m a bit confused.
Anyway, I´m writing this post to share my results:

Arte em Vidro - Before PR3 - Now PR3 - same
My Countryhome - Before PR2 - Now PR3 - + 1
Portuguese Menu - Before PR1 - Now PR3 - + 2
Netfreesource - Before PR3 - Now PR2 - - 1
Momyjob - Before Grey - Now PR 1 - + 1
Night Clicks - Before PR3 - Now PR3 - same

I think this update was good for my blogs.
Everyday I learn something new, so definitely the balance is positive.
See you soon.

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