Blogger Status: Already Making Weekend Plans

Hi everyone.
Today, I´m more tired than in the beginning of the week. The morning shifts I´m doing are a bit hard to keep up, specially because I´ve been up everynight till midnight and sometimes later. It´s not easy to change my night owl habits.
Tomorow is Friday and I´m already making plans for the weekend. This week, I will have two days off in a row again. I´m thinking about going to the swimming pool and shopping in Jumbo mall. My daughter needs new clothes for the comming season and a pair of comfortable shoes.
I already have my job´s May schedule and I need to make the most of it now because next month it won´t be this easy.
Next month I will start making night shifts untill 0.00 am and the days off will be separated. I will have only Saturdays off and I´ll start working Sundays. I will earn more money but I will sure rest less.
This weekend I have all the housechores to do because during the week I wasn´t home much. I need to put everything in order before I go out to have some fun.
See you soon xx

1 comentários:

Mariuca said...

Hi Mize, I have a tag for you here, come and get it! :)