EC and Alexa

Hi fellows. I´m back from another night shift till midnight.
Tonight, I´d like to share a bit of my experiences with EC and Alexa rank.
If you´re looking to improve your Alexa rank, Entrecard can help. I joined EC in July 2008 and when I´m active making drops (and receive a good percentage back) my Alexa rank improves substantially.
As you know, EC is a blogger´s community and, by my experience, I can tell a good number of this webmasters has Alexa toolbar installed.
Alexa only counts your website visitors that has their toolbar installed. If you´re looking to improve your ranks (having a lower number), you´ll need plenty of this type of visitors.
Since I started my offline job, I haven´t been very active in EC and my current Alexa rank clearly shows it. I once reached 90 k but now I only have around 216,5 k, a huge difference.
In my Portuguese art blog, some days I have over 500 visitors but once many of this visitors doesn´t have Alexa toolbar, my current rank is very low.
In sum, by my experience, blogger´s communities can help us more in acheiving a better Alexa rank than searches´ traffic, unless this visitors are webmasters.
See you later, after some deserved rest.

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