I Need More Tax Information

You can run but you can not hide. This is my favorite saying when it comes to my country´s tax system.
We all must pay them, whether we like it or not, but everyone would prefer not to. In my country taxes are a heavy load, more than in many European counties. We pay taxes on everything we buy but cars, gas, real state and IRS are our biggest concerns.
Recently, in my country, the government changed some tax laws, specially in what concerns real estate and property transmission.
Once I´m divorcing, this year I have to fill IRS alone. I´ve ben trying to get some state tax help because with my new job and my daughter´s alimony I´m not sure how much I will have to pay.
I could sure use the services of Tax Relief Specialists to find the best solution for my case. I also need more information about rents because I´m not sure if there were changes in taxes or not.
Once I don´t pay health insurance, I´m thinking about subscribing a retirement fund because it can help me reduce the IRS to pay but I don´t know what it´s charged for IRS bank levies. This year I sure need professional help, otherwise I can receive an unwanted surprise bill.

1 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I wish I could help you there. I'd do more harm than good!