Blogger Status: Day Off & Blogging Night

Today, Saturday, I had this week´s second day off. One day off is not enough to rest, period. I prefer when I have two days in a row but, in my current job, that is something we don´t get much. Most weeks, I only have one day off at the time.
I think my chief could do better schedules for all of us. My section has 25 workers and, although not all do night shifts, current schedules could be improved. Well, I think I could organize them better. Most of my coworkers think like me. We prefer working more hours in one day just to have two days off in a row. Well, there´s not much I can do about it. It´s take it or leave it.
My daughter went to a cousin´s birthday party and she´s going to spend this weekend with my ex. So, I´m home alone. I like being alone but today, for the first time in the past five months, I felt a bit lonely.
To put this feeling away, I spent a good part of the day doing house-chores and preparing my bathroom to be painted. I also finished packing my ex´s tools in boxes and cleaned my balcony. Things were getting pretty messy there.
After painting my bathroom, I´m going to start asking quotes for my balcony´s new floor project. This project will be quite expensive so I´d better start saving for it but without asking quotes I will never know how much money I will need.
This afternoon, I also did a big EC round and cooked dinner.
Right now, I should be sleeping because this Sunday I´m doing a morning shift but I don´t care. I´m blogging the night away, at least, until 3.00 am :) Once I´m doing another morning shift next Monday, I´ll sleep better tomorow.
See you in a bit xx

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