Having Fun Online

Since last August, I´ve been using my PC to chat online and meet new people. It has been a very amusing experience, indeed. I now have a bunch of new friends. Some are more virtual than others :)
For a few months after breaking up I was too closed inside my own world, leaking my wounds, but now it´s time to turn the page. For me, chatting online is a nice way to spend my spare time and socialize in a different way.
You know, I´m a bit sceptic about the idea of finding love online but I´ve heard many real stories about it. In the past months, I´ve meet people from different parts of my country and other countries as well. No, I haven´t found a boyfriend, just a few cool dudes :)
Some of my new virtual friends seem to understand me so well...it´s amazing. I can chat about any topic without the feeling I´m being criticized. Do you know what I mean?
Well, it´s obvious the PC protects us, but all this freedom feels great. Now, I´m using both Facebook and messenger. I had installed messenger several months ago but only now I started using it. Still a newbie :)
See you.

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