Blogging Projects

As I wrote in my PF blog, I´m facing some issues with my current full time job.
I think that after being out of this job, I´ll return to my blogging hobby like I did before.
In the past 17 months, my blogging has been reduced to a minimum. I focused on my PF blog and closed my first domain before it´s web hosting plan had to be renovated.
Once this is my current state of affairs, my future blogging plans include following the same path I was before I started working outside my home. I intend to split the surplus of free time to be online in a wise manner. My plans are:
1) keep working to increase ad revenue of my Portuguese blogs, a task in in which I´ve been successful and I´m already collecting the fruits of the labor;
2) starting a new domain blog for my MMO activities and keep my current blogs updated.
Add this to my other offline chores and you can see I already have a handful and that my winter will be full of fun blogging things to do. I think I´d better start thinking about a good url for my new domain name and read the latest webhosting reviews. Will keep you updated of any progresses in my current blogging projects.

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