Too Many Books

As I mentioned before, I enjoy reading books very much.
I think this like started back in first infancy when I had the habit to read as many Disney comic books I could. There was a small bookstore near my home in which I could buy second hand Disney comics or an exchange deal with a small tax. This was a cool way to read more books for less money...and here´s a neat business idea :)
Over the years, I bought books on so many different topics... and kept all of them. Many of the books I have are on school related topics but I have a few science, history, romance, poems and fiction books as well. I also have a small collection of recipies, cooking related and music books.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I´m trying to sell my flat and am packing in case I need to move soon. I already packed my music, except my mini sound system which is still here in my kitchen.
In the past weeks, I´ve been sorting out my books to pack those I really want to keep and the ones I could try selling in the used bookstore. I really need to do this because...well..because I have to many books! I wouldn´t mind recovering some of the money I spent on books throughout the years but that won´t be so easy to do, as our second hand book market is rather small.
Well, I guess I have to try.
See you soon xx

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