This post is about “Ways to Earn Money Online”, topic: Make Money with a Site.
I finally reached one of my favorite topics but it´s so vast that I decided to split it in two major sections, and address most topics in future posts. This first section is about the major topics to adress when building a Site, the second section will focus on Blogs.
When you think about building a Site, there´s a lot of issues to be addressed. This post is a selection of keywords about making money with a Site. I listed the issues to think about when building a Site. Each one of this topic would make many posts and Articles. The big question is: What to consider when building a Site?
Address this topics before you start:
. Free or Paid? Build Yourself or use a Professional Service?
. The Site Theme: Best Keywords, Niche or Miscellaneous.
. Site Type: Business, Informative or Personal?
. Design: The Best Layout, Colors, Ergonomics.
. Register and Host: Which Domain Name, Hosting, Servers.
. Managing, Having Good Support.
. Selling Products or Without Products?
. Writing Articles, Product Reviews.
. Driving Traffic to the Site, Advertising.
. Ranking and SEO: Site Optimization.