This post is for all my readers that are beginning in this world of making money online, working from home, and need directions or useful info on how to start earning with writing skills. This tips are my conclusions on this topic after researching for a while.
Ok, I have writing skills, but can I really earn money online?
Yes you can!
But...It will depend on how much time and effort you´re willing to invest. If you work hard enough and write good quality content you can make a part-time income, start your own writing business, or even make it a full time job, it´s up to you.
Ok, But... How Much Can I Earn?
It will depend on some factors, like quality, research done, number of articles sold, and to whom or where you sell them. The medium price is around $0.02 cents per word. For example, one article with 300 words can be sold by $6.00 or more.
One way of making money online is using your writing skills to sell articles and if you´re really good you can be hired by a Site/Blog to write content.
If you have really good writing skills, and you want to earn money maybe you should consider working as a freelancer. As a freelancer you can sell articles in Forums, like DP, or you can work for a writing company, or even write your own e-book and sell it online. Don´t know where to start? Start by Forums and build your way from there.
If you run a Blog or a Website with a good PR and reasonable traffic you can earn money both writing sponsored reviews or selling advertising space in your site. Just be sure to do it the right way, so you don´t loose your PR. I´ll write about this topic in future posts.
If you run a blog or a site, writing good quality articles and submitting them to Articles Directories is like a three in one: You write content for your site, it´s a good way to get some traffic and exposure for your niche´s expertise.
Do you know other ways of making money online writing?
Please leave a comment with your suggestions.
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