Free Blogger Templates

I really appreciate when bloggers share their knowledge for free, and that´s the main reason I´m writing this brief review.
Burajiru is a Brasilian blog that has free unique templates for blogger. The curious thing about this resource for free templates is the fact that Burajiru blog´s author creates or modifies the templates, and you can download them for free. The blog also has other tips for bloggers.
To use this free resource you have to credit it´s author with a link, included in the template.
I think Burajiru blog has some good tips and is well managed. The site loads fast and is easy to navigate. I liked the template, the colours, and I think the advertising space is well managed. You can find this blog in:

1 comentários:

Gem said...

Thanks for the leads. I visited this blog because you mentioned in my blog that you have some leads on free blogger templates. I saw this post along with your two other posts. I'm now going to each of these sites and see if there are blog templates that will suit me.