Made to Measure by My Suit

MySuit is a global company that manufactures and retails men´s suits and has over 40 years of experience in the made to measure market.
MySuit has stores in different locations and you can visit the website to take a tour of My.Suit buying process. The buying process is divided in three simple steps: Measuring, styling and fabric selection.
Measuring is essential to determine your body type and then fit you with a perfect suit. After this step, there are two basic choices to make when styling your suit: Jacket type and Pant type.
The last step in creating your custom suit is fabric selection. You´ll need to consider the wearing occasions, fabric weight, color and pattern of the suit. Once you have selected the desired fabric, all details will be reviewed with you and your suit will be priced.
You will be guided through all the process by a consultant which will ask or answer questions and offer suggestions to provide you the best service possible.
I would recommend a friend a grey suit with a 4 buttons jacket, lapel and single pleat pans. This combination can be used in many occasions and doesn´t get old-fashion after short time.
MySuit men´s suits are affordable because this company sells directly to customer and instead of maintaining large inventories they work on demand production system. This way, having a stylish and comfortable made to measure suit isn´t only for the rich.


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