Smorty: Dead or Alive?

I had a long Friday night again. At this point, I can´t disregard so many opportunities to do reviews as I´ve been having. This work pays for my school taxes and some bills, which is a great help for me.
I read in a blog that Smorty is dying. I used to think that too but when the recent PR updates took place, new campaigns started pouring in. So, my conclusion is Smorty isn´t dying. To have new campaigns you just need a blog with good ranks. From my experience, PR 1 or 2 doesn´t bring much work, but with a PR 3 blog you can make a decent part-time wage if you use different companies at the same time.
I used to have this companie´s logos in my sidebar but, recently, when I changed Night Clicks template, I removed them. If you need more info you can also read my Smorty review.
So, Smorty isn´t dead yet, and the best part is they pay every 15 days. They recently added a new way of earning trough blogs and sites, a cool widgetbox. So, if you´re looking to MMO, check them out too.

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