New Blog Network: Slogbite

Hi everyone.
Back to blogging. My PC is doig much better than yesterday. I ran my Panda analysis and I guess it caught the naughty bug. Well, at least I´m able to surf, drop and blog.
This episode was a warning to me and today I found out I wasn´t the only who got a virus doing EC drops.
A strange thing is also happening in my Portuguese blog, but that´s material for another post. Ok, today´s post is about Slogbite.
Maybe you already saw this logo in other blogs:

125 x 125

Slogbite is a new Blog Network, still in Beta. I joined a few days ago and, from what I read, it works like Entrecard with the promisse of a twist.
The widget is a must and there´s two types of accounts/collaboration, A and B. This Network has a special section for Entrecarders. I visted the site twice and I already saw many familiar logos there.
Well, let´s wait to see how it works. I don´t know if I have time for another social network but I´d like to try it to check the "promissed twist". I´ll blog about my opinion after trying it for a while.

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