Blogger Status: If you Can´t Beat Them, Join Them

Hi everyone.
This blogger status brief post is just a bit of rambling, but that´s how I feel today.
After ten days without a good opportunity, all I can say is my post´s tittle: If you can´t beat them, then join them. An old saying we use in Portugal too.
I recently wrote a few posts about the changes in paid reviews world, that´s what today´s rant is all about. If you´re in the same boat, you´ll understand what I mean.
I realized, I rather earn a bit everyday than spend weeks without a decent offer. I just paid my school taxes for this semester but I need to start thinking about the next (and final, I hope) payment.
Lately, due to a flu and loads of work, I´ve been more tired than usual. At 1.00 am I´m already sleepy and can´t find enough time to finish all chores, specially returning drops. Another thing is I´m late posting awards, this boders me but I only have 24 hours a day, two hands and a handful of blogs :)
Some days I start dropping early, but lately, if I leave this task for my "night shift" I have a hard time finishing it. Well, I´m off to do my chores now. It´s Friday, tomorow I can rest a bit more, the morning is all mine :)
Good Weekend to you all!

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