Student Life: Payments and Progress

I just made the second payment of my school´ taxes. hurts a bit but, at least, I can rest my mind for three more months. In three months I´ll make my last payment for this year.
Regarding the project, my progress isn´t as much as needed. My thesis topic is "Social Representations". I already found a good number of articles and useful references but I haven´t found the time to do all the reading. Days fly by. I dedicate most afternoons to this project but things are a bit stuck. I already read some articles but not enough to start writing.
I really need to start writing but it just seems I haven´t read enough. I´m affraid of what we call "plagio", also known as duplicate content. I think it´s a very bad thing for a student to do so I need to be careful and avoid it.
Maybe, if I dedicate more time to my project I can finish it in time. I really need to do this because I don´t want to spend another year in school. I know it´s hard to find jobs in my area and when I finish my course I will be unemployed but, right now, I just want to get it done. It feels I´ve been studying forever...

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