Get the Latest Information with Daymix

When we want to find the hottest topics of the moment using the Internet we have several options. We can visit different portals or websites, do a Google search for a specific topic or use Daymix website.
If you use Daymix website to search for hot topics, your search experience will be totally different. Daymix has the latest information about talk, news, blogs, photos and videos, all in one place.
When we perform a search in Google we get a list of websites and blogs but with Daymix we get results from different sources. The main sources are Google web search, Google news search, blog search and related results in articles and videos. Plus, you can use the grey bar located in the front page´s top to search for a specific topic. This grey bar has a feature that displays suggested results as we type. I think this feature is useful because it saves us time and filters results.
With Daymix we can also create a widget to display in any web page. This widget is dynamic, this means our search results will be updated so information never gets old. I searched for "Academy winners" and this is my widget:

Cool resource, don´t you think?

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