When I have some free time, I like playing computer games with my daughter. Our favorite games are those that allow us to have fun and, at the same time, are educational. My favorite games are people´s simulators, puzzles and crosswords but my daughter has an addiction for math challenges and she also likes strategic or action games. Sometimes we play the type of games I like but most times we end up playing her favorites.
If you like challenging action games like we do, you can check CD Earth Free Video Games CD with Software Club Trial. This new video game is available both for Windows PC and Mac OSX and includes a very special offer worth considering. This offer is available only for new costumers and includes the Greatest Action Video Games CD plus a software CD for free, with a no obligation, twenty-five day test-drive of CD Earth Software Library Club. This offer consists of two free software CDs, which you can have only by trying the CD Earth Software Library Club.
CD Earth Action Games CD includes 10 retro, action video games in one fun collection. This collection catalog includes software for families, children, home and office, computer graphics and the other computer games. You can check all the games in the official CD Earth website at: http://www.cdearth.com/
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