My Search Funds Changed to Home Pages Friends

As I mentioned in a previous review, My Search Funds is a website where you can earn money searching the web. This site´s webmasters had announced some changes in their search provider, and those changes are effective now.
In this process Searchfunds also changed their website, to This site has a new but simmilar design. Over the next few weeks they´ll do some new additions to the services they now provide.
If you´re already a member all this change process will happen automatically, and you don’t need to do anything at all. You´ll be able to earn money in the exact same way before. You´ll earn money searching the web, and using the results provided, and this means you have to visit websites listed. The difference now is on search results, instead of being provided by Google, they will come from a new provider, Yahoo. Yahoo has agreed to become Homepagefriends sole search feed provider.

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